"萊恩喜歡這隻". 這是第一次看到機械河豚圖組時, 萊恩腦中浮出的第一個念頭.
"Ryan likes this pufferfish robot." This is the first thought that popped into Ryan's mind when he saw the set of illustrations of the mechanical pufferfish.
它的嘴唇厚實且突出, 身軀宛如一顆鼓漲的氣球, 完美地呈現河豚特有的肥美感.
不規則形狀的瞳孔在凸出的魚眼裡, 閃爍著神秘光芒, 讓它看起來具有某種智慧.
胸鰭底部的球狀轉軸, 呈現擬生物的特徵, 說明它一部充滿尖端科技的生命機器.
自孔洞伸展出來的尖刺彷彿是蓄勢待發的飛彈, 警告周遭的生物不要輕舉妄動.
Its thick and protruding lips, body resembling an inflated balloon, perfectly embody the plumpness characteristic of a pufferfish.
The irregularly shaped pupils in its protruding fish eyes shimmer with a mysterious glow, giving it an appearance of intelligence.
The ball joint at the base of its pectoral fin displays biomimetic features, indicating it as a bionic robot filled with cutting-edge technology.
The spikes extending from the skin seem like poised missiles, warning surrounding creatures not to make any reckless moves.
After a brief search, this round mechanical pufferfish (Hedgehog Fish Robot) is the creation of ANVA CRAFT.
融合了雕刻技巧, 他創作的每個生物, 乍看之下簡單乾淨恣態生動, 慢慢品味卻能發現豐富的層次感與細膩的細節. 他還有不少獨特讓人讚嘆不已的作品分享在 Instagram 與 ArtStation 上.
With a fusion of sculpting techniques, each creature crafted by him appears simple, clean, and dynamically vivid at first glance. Upon closer inspection, one can discover rich layers and intricate details. He has shared numerous awe-inspiring pieces on Instagram and ArtStation.
Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/anva.craft/)
ArtStation (https://www.artstation.com/antonvalishin3)
這次的實作算是稍有難度的. 怎麼說呢?
This project presented some challenges. How so?
首先, 這隻河豚的 3D 模型檔案並沒有公開 (在各網站的免費或分享區沒找到), 當然也不存在有紙模展開檔. 唯一能參考的, 就是在 Instagram 或 ArtStation 能找到的幾張插畫, 約略能看到這隻河豚的正/側/背面.
Firstly, the 3D model files of this pufferfish were not publicly available (not found in any free or sharing sections of websites), and there were no paper craft templates either. The only references were a few illustrations found on Instagram or ArtStation, providing rough glimpses of the pufferfish from the front, side, and back.
還好又有找到這幾張圖, 多看到了腹部的細節.
Fortunately, these images revealed details on the belly.
再者, 萊恩的 Blender 熟練度沒長進, 花了好長一段時間, 只能約略勾勒出機械河豚的輪廓.
Furthermore, Ryan's proficiency in Blender had not improved, taking quite a while to roughly outline the contours of the mechanical pufferfish.
It was then unfolded into a paper craft template.
萊恩抱著邊作邊修正的心思, 先用西卡紙做一個版本, 後又用泡綿做了兩個版本. 從圖中能看出, 右邊版本消除了腹部的黏合線, 體態也比較渾圓, 是萊恩比較滿意的地方.
With a mindset of refining while working, Ryan initially made one version with cardstock, followed by two versions with EVA foams. From the images, the version on the right eliminated the bonding lines on the abdomen, and the body shape appeared more rounded, which satisfied Ryan more.
而兩版的魚體表面均有大量的打磨刮痕. 這是萊恩實作泡綿模型以來, 一直未能克服的問題.
Both versions of the fish body had numerous sanding marks on the surface, a challenge Ryan has yet to overcome since working with EVA foam models.
Here is the freshly bonded EVA foam model.
和以往塗上黑色底漆不同, 這次在做補縫與表層處理時, 改塗白色底漆.
Unlike the usual application of black primer, this time, white primer was used during seam filling and surface treatment.
在上色時, 萊恩有儘量讓顏色飽滿, 並減少筆刷的痕跡.
When coloring, Ryan aimed to make the colors vibrant while minimizing brush strokes.
關於眼睛, 萊恩本來考慮採用 UV 膠來製作, 後來因故作罷, 改用常見的玩偶眼睛. 雖然少了原作魚眼的睿智光輝, 卻多添了一些萌感.
Regarding the eyes, Ryan initially considered using UV glue but opted for common toy eyes later on. Although lacking the original fish-eye brilliance, it added a touch of cuteness.
最後, 萊恩帶了一隻放在辦公桌上的假魚缸裡, 希望能添些好運.
Finally, Ryan placed the finished model in a faux fish tank on the desk, hoping to attract some good fortune.
來年萊恩還會再挑 ANVA CRAFT 的其它作品再來製作泡綿模型.
In the coming year, Ryan plans to choose another creation by ANVA CRAFT to create a new EVA foam model.
以上實作分享, 謝謝收看.
That concludes the sharing of the project. Thank you for reading.
OpenCV 學習路徑
小惡魔 無線溫度感測器
* 自造 Time Plotting Clock, (2) 組裝
* 自造 Time Plotting Clock, (3) 校正
* 自造 Time Plotting Clock, (4) 英文字母
* 自造 Time Plotting Clock, (5) 遠端遙控
iOS App 上架流程
* iOS App 上架流程, (1/3) 申請 Apple ID for Company
* iOS App 上架流程, (2/3) 產出 .P12 憑證與 Provisioning Profile 檔案
* iOS App 上架流程, (2.5/3) 申請 App ID 與上傳 ipa 送審
* iOS App 上架流程, (3/3) 審核通過與下載量數據分析
其它文章, 請參考 大兵萊恩, 文章總集